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Amazon Rainforest Losing Capacity to Soak Up CO2

Thursday, 19 March 2015

Bianca Nogrady ABC

The Amazon rainforest may be approaching the limit of how much excess carbon dioxide it can capture from the atmosphere.


A global research effort, led by scientists from the University of Leeds, has revealed a one-third decline in the rainforest' growth overall, according to a paper published today in Nature.


This could have significant implications for global carbon dioxide levels, as the rainforest previously absorbed up to two billion tonnes of carbon dioxide each year, converting it into biomass.


But the net uptake by the forest has halved, and is now for the first time being overtaken by fossil fuel emissions in Latin America.


The three-decade-long study involved teams of researchers from around the world measuring the growth and death of vegetation across a network of 321 plots of Amazonian rainforest, with an average size of 1.2 hectares.


Co-author Professor Bill Laurance says earlier research showed that the Amazon acts as a major 'carbon sink', as trees grow faster in response to increasing carbon dioxide levels; an effect known as CO2 fertilisation.


"What was happening was that the trees were getting bigger and they were accumulating more biomass, so in rough terms, it looked like each hectare of forest was gaining about half a tonne of carbon per year," says Laurance, director of the Centre for Tropical Environmental and Sustainability Studies at James Cook University and ARC Laureate Fellow.


But faster growth isn't always a good thing, and the accelerated life cycle of the tree is also linked with size-related structural problems, less reproduction, and reduced photosynthesis.


This new study shows growth appears to be slowing as the forest becomes saturated.


"You can only pack so many trees and so many vines into a forest," Laurance says.


"There's only a finite amount of light and water and nutrients out there, so basically what happens is that competition intensifies, and as competition intensifies some things have to die so you get things dying faster," he says.


Researchers found increased tree death, but also increasing growth of vines, which are flourishing in the disturbed forest environment that occurs when trees die at a greater rate.


"The vines are the junk traders of the forest whereas the trees are the old money," Laurance says.


"They're the ones that have the long-term investment in wood and structure, and the vines are the fast-living junk bond traders that are parasites and not investing much into wood, but putting a lot of investment into leaves."


The shift in growth could be due to a number of factors in addition to the higher levels of carbon dioxide, including several unprecedented droughts that have struck the Amazon basin on top of the usual El Nino-related droughts.


However, the study shows that the decline in the rainforest's carbon-dioxide-absorbing capacity predates these extreme droughts.


Laurance says the longer-term implications for global carbon dioxide levels are still unclear.


"It doesn't suggest that [carbon] sink has gone away, but it suggests that it's tapering off or slowing down," Laurance says.

Source: ABC Science News

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