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Grazing Change Needed to Stop Tree Crisis

Tuesday, 2 June 2009

Anna Salleh

ABC Science News


There are virtually no young trees growing to replace the old and dying scattered trees in paddocks, say researchers (Source: Kate Sherren/ANU) Millions of hectares of Australian grazing lands could be treeless within decades unless there is a change in the way animals are managed on them, say researchers.


Dr Joern Fischer and colleagues report their study in today's issue of the Proceedings of the National Academy of Science.


"We're finding that at least half of grazing lands are not regenerating with trees under status quo management," says Fischer, of the Australian National University's Fenner School of Environment and Society in Canberra.


Conventional farming involves sheep and cattle continuously grazing on pasture.


"Because the grazing is continuous, paddocks never really get a rest," says Fischer.


He says tree seedlings that manage to emerge are quickly eaten and trampled to death.


This is especially a problem for the seedlings of scattered, semi-isolated trees, which make up most of the trees in paddocks, and are most vulnerable to animals.


Trees help facilitate nutrient cycling and water infiltration and provide shade for livestock, as well as habitat for birds and other wildlife.


Fischer says research shows that because of this, scattered paddock trees maximise grass growth and profitability for farmers.


Rotational grazing

Fischer says in recent years, farmers have been trying another practice, called rotational grazing, which some believe is better for tree regeneration.


This method involves more intense grazing for shorter periods of time, he says.


A larger number of animals are kept in a given paddock for say, a few days, before being moved on to the next and any given paddock is given a rest from grazing for around 2 months.


Fischer says while there have been a lot of anecdotal reports to support rotational grazing, this study provides some of the first hard evidence.


Using field evidence and satellite imagery, he and colleagues compared 120 sites on 30 different farms in southeastern Australia.


Some of the farms were under conventional grazing and others had been under rotational grazing for at least six years.


They found that natural regeneration is four times more likely under rotational grazing, as opposed to conventional grazing.


Fischer says the findings would apply across the wheat-sheep belt in Australia.


He says the findings support recent models that suggest that in about 50 years, Australia could lose around half of the scattered paddock trees it currently has.



Fischer says one challenge in regenerating trees is that a significant proportion of paddocks have been doused with artificial fertiliser to help exotic pasture grasses grow.


These grasses out-compete native tree seedlings, which evolved in low-nutrient soils.


"Even if we changed management today, we can't get those nutrient levels down overnight," says Fischer.


He says such over-fertilised lands may require deliberate planting or seeding of trees.


But, he says, where pastures have not been heavily fertilised rotational grazing will give natural regeneration a real boost.


Fischer says dividing paddocks for rotational grazing does come at a cost and colleagues of his are currently working out whether incentives are needed to encourage a shift in grazing practices.


He says a related shift is the use of perennial grasses, which don't need fertiliser and are more drought-resistant than exotic grasses.


The research was funded by the Australian Research Council and the Commonwealth Environment Research Facilities program.


Source: ABC Science News



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